Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Roti canai

Roti Canai and Teh Tarik....

I was at the KLCC the other day and been alone I browse along and eventually found this set of Malaysian favorite breakfast at one of the stall at the Food Court on the upper level, the Ampang side of the Mall... The Roti Canai and Teh Tarik [Malaysian pan cake or pizza and Tea with condensed milk] is a favorite small meal for breakfast or at tea/coffee break of Malaysian, especially in the morning....Hungry I sat to sample this favorite of mine... It cost just RM2.20, less then a dollar [RM.3.80 = US$1.00]. This wonderful food combination was introduced to this country by the Indian Moslem who migrated to this country in the early twentieth century or the late nineteen century.. Now the other Malaysian have inherited this and now could be found at most stalls all over the country...Well the next time you are around in this part of the world do try this nutritious complete Malaysian breakfast... Have a nice day.


1 chicken
10 kaffir leaves
10 pieces of lime
4 inch turmeric
5 stalks of lemongrass
1 kg. coconut milk
1 piece of tamarind
Salt, sugar and flavoring

1.Ayam cut disregard. Clean and drain.
Gross 2.Tumbuk chillies and turmeric, as both of these materials crumble, punch was a stick until exhausted.
3.Gaulkan pounded ingredients with salt and cook until the chicken is a short amount of shrink.
4.Apabila aytam water dried up, the input coconut milk, onion, chilli and kaffir lime leaves large.
5.Bila gravy is quite thick, it may be served.


 Mee Laksa Sarawak


1 pek (200g) perencah laksa ‘HJ MANAN’ (laksa paste)
500g prawns (prawn)

1 piece of chicken breasts (can use Chicken Cubes)
1 pack Mi Hyun (soft luscious rice vermicelli) bean sprouts
500g (bean sprouts)
500ml coconut milk (coconut milk)
Salt to taste (salt)
Coriander leaves (coriander Leafs)
4 chicken eggs (dadar shreds)
2 stems lemon grass (lemon grass)

Beat eggs and fry them thinly on a frying pan. Cut into strips. Set aside.
Boil 4 litres of water in a stock pot. Upon boiling, add 2 teaspoons of salt followed by prawns. Boil the prawns till they start to float indicating that they are cooked. Remove the prawns and let it cool.

Separately, boil 4 litres of water in another stock pot. Upon boiling, add 2 teaspooons of salt followed by the chicken. Boil till chicken is thoroughly cooked. Remove chicken and let it cool.

Remove head and shell from prawn. Put back the head and shell into the first pot, cover lid and continue boiling for at least 2 hours on medium heat. Place prawn aside.

Remove chicken meat from bones and shred the meat using fingers. Put back the chicken bones into the second pot, cover lid and continue boiling for at least 2 hours on medium heat. Place shredded chicken meat aside.

Once both stock are cooked, remove heads and shells of prawns as well as chicken bones. Combine the stock into one pot. Add Sarawak Laksa paste and let it boil at medium to high heat for at least 30 minutes.

Using freshly boiled water, blanch the beansprouts in 3 batches for 1 minute each. Drain beansprouts and set aside.

Next, cook the pre-soaked beehoon in 4 to 5 batches by blanching them in boiling water for at least 1 minute. Drain and set aside.

After the Sarawak Laksa paste has been left boiling for at least 30 minutes, turn off heat and sieve and remove the spice from the stock. Bring the stock (now laksa soup) to boil again. Turn off heat and add coconut milk gradually whilst stirring. Add salt and sugar to taste.

To serve, first place cooked beehoon on a bowl. Add beansprouts, shredded chicken, prawns and egg strips. Then pour the laksa soup over the ingredients.
Garnish with coriander leaves and squeeze a lime over the soup before eating.

It is not recommended that the laksa be kept overnight as coconut milk is used.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Wantan Soup

* 100 GRM minced chicken
* 10 medium sized prawns finely chopped
* 1/2 finely grated carrots
* 1/4 grated turnip seed
* 2 stalks spring onions finely chopped
* A few drops sesame oil
* 1/2 teaspoon salt or to taste ( can also be placed chicken stock cubes )
* 1 tsp cornstarch
* 1 packet wanton skin
How to make wantan
1 - Combine all ingredients and essence of chicken and vegetable mixture perasa.Campur
2 - Take a piece of wantan skin and place 1 teaspoon of filling the middle.
3 - Apply water around the wanton skin and fold in the form of options masing2 . (Usually wanton made ​​as of curry )
4 - Heat the oil and fry until crisp wanton .
How to prepare soup
1 - Saute 2 cloves of garlic finely cut .
2 - Add the 4 cups of water or as required
3 - Add the sliced ​​onion and 1 1/2 cube pieces essential ayam.Biarkan boiling water .
4 - Add one packet fish balls . Add the wanton who has a ready-made (not fried wanton soup that 's to be done ) .
5 - Narrow burner
.Dan add salt if need. Turn off heat and ready to serve.
* Can be served with soy sauce mixed with chilli pieces .

Laksa Sarawak

Recipe as usual . Using the recipe . Complete all with hommade pesnya . If interested can try dat. The only advice DJ la kan, please use milk YG ori ye, BKN is viewed in the boxes . Then btl2 iPod . But if there is no choice , doth condemn labuuu ... hehe .

Eeh ... DJ kopipes tu go home recipes here .. more fun huh ... hehe . Let's treat !

Sarawak Laksa recipe
by: DayangJack @ DapurKu love

Sarawak Laksa Paste
Ingredients: 200 gm estimates
8 pcs shallots *
4 cloves garlic *
10-12 dried chillies *
1 inch ginger *
1 sk coriander
1 sk aniseed
Cumin 1 sk
3 hard pieces of fruit *
2-3 stalks lemongrass *
1 inch grilled shrimp paste *
1/4 cup peanuts ( roasted )
1/4 cup sesame seeds ( fried without oil )
pinch of salt
a little oil for stir fry
Ways :
Blend ingredients finely marked * .
Materials such as aniseed / white , cilantro , peanuts and sesame seeds are ground / crushed into powder prior to consolidation with materials marked with * .
Heat the oil . Saute ingredients just until browned . Add salt and a little sugar . Stir average.
Store in a covered container and place in the refrigerator if you wish to save time.
Sarawak Laksa ( Recipe II )
materials : approximately 6 people eat
200 g paste or flavoring laksa ( laksa paste DJs use HJ Manan )
enough chicken ( boiled and shredded finely )
1/2 pound of fresh shrimp
1 packet of vermicelli (soaked and blanched )
4 eggs ( didadarkan and finely sliced ​​)
2 stalks lemon grass ( crushed )
200-250 ml coconut milk
salt and sugar to taste
bean sprouts ( blanched )
little cilantro ( clipped )
sufficient lime (halved )
Ways :
Prepare 2 liters of water in a saucepan . Boil . Then add the cleaned shrimp with lemon grass. Boil until shrimp are cooked. Then drain the shrimp. A decoction of yesteryear not removed . Instead enter the laksa paste and stir over low heat . (May add water if necessary) .
Add coconut milk and season with salt and a little sugar .
Put vermicelli into a bowl, add ingredients such as bean sprouts , egg , cilantro, chicken and eggs . Pour the broth and Squeeze with lime . Serve hot - hot . To cozy up to the taste , add a bit of dried prawn sambal .
Dried Shrimp Sambal Recipes
ingredients :
6 red onion (blended )
2 cloves garlic (blended )
grilled shrimp paste (blended )
a handful of dried shrimps ( milled / crushed into powder )
4-5 tbsp chilli paste / chili adequately grounded
tamarind juice
salt and sugar
Car- way :
Saute the ingredients and blend until just now breaking ground chili oil . Season with salt and sugar and add the tamarind juice . Stir until it thickens .

Manuk Pansuh

Manuk Pansuh
Piece of bamboo stalk bamboo cylinder
1/2 chicken pieces were cut
3 cloves of garlic
2 red onions and 5 cloves BWG White
I ginger flower bud
A little salt and seasoning powder
tapioca mixed.
1/2 cup water

Prepare coals (Like burning bamboo cylinder)
Clean bamboo
Garlic and onion finely crushed
Clean the chicken
Mix the chicken with chili, garlic, onion, salt, seasoning powder and ginger flowers
Mix with the salt / seasoning to taste.
Then add the marinated chicken into bamboo earlier.
Do not stomp your little bamboo and fill with water Close spout bamboo shoots sweet.
Roast on hot coals about half an hour.
When smoke boiling out of the bamboo cover pansuh ripe.